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17. A Proposal to Study the Education and Skill Barriers Ottawa Students are Facing

17. Are university graduates meeting Ottawa’s job market needs?

Institution: Carleton University

CSWB plan priority: Integrated and simpler systems

Project Term: Winter 2024

Course Code:  ISAP 2002

Professor: Vivian Nguyen

Group Members: Ellen Young


Background: A lack of knowledge regarding how well students’ education and experience match current job requirements across the city hinders initiatives focused on promoting the increased retention of university graduates as a potential solution to Ottawa’s broader talent retention problem.

Objective(s): This study aims to describe what types of degrees students are pursuing, identify educational and experience-related student employment barriers, and identify skills barriers employers are facing.

Approach: I propose that secondary government data, as well as data collected through surveys and interviews with current university students, be used to analyze how the degree type, degree level, and co-op participation rates of students compare to the requirements of jobs in Ottawa.

Potential for Impact: Policies to encourage its post-secondary institutions to modify their curricula to meet the needs of the labor market and ensure students are graduating with the skills needed to gain employment in Ottawa.



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Affirmation des autochtones

Nous rendons hommage au peuple algonquin, gardien traditionnel de cette terre. Nous reconnaissons le lien sacré de longue date l’unissant à ce territoire qui demeure non cédé.

Nous rendons également hommage à tous les peuples autochtones qui habitent Ottawa, qu’ils soient de la région ou d’ailleurs au Canada. Nous reconnaissons les gardiens des savoirs traditionnels de tous âges. Nous honorons aussi leurs courageux dirigeants d’hier, d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

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