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14. Healthy Diet, Happy Life

14. Healthy Diet, Happy Life

Institution: Carleton University

CSWB plan priority: Mental well-being

Project Term: Winter 2024

Course Code: CHST3103A

Professor: Alexandra Arraiz Matute

Group Members: Dawson Christian, Aidan Gilmour, Angelina Gajonera



Background: Our project aims to better educate and advocate for a healthier, more active lifestyle. 

Objective(s): The goal is to reinforce the importance and benefits of living a healthy life

Approach: We hope that our brochure can help members of our community through it's ability to be easily accessed. I suggest that rather than solely physical copies (which can be costly and go unused) we also post QR codes at locations frequently visited by Ottawa citizens. These include recreational centers, Government buildings, and schools.

Potential for Impact: The potential impact is a healthier, happier, and more informed population.


Supplementary Media

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